ECPE 2504
Introduction to Computer Engineering

Examples: Combinational Logic and Boolean Algebra
Part 3. An Initial Gate Implementation

Function F can be implemented directly from the initial logic expression using standard AND, OR, and INVERTER logic gates. The initial expression and the logic diagram are below.

Starting equation for F

Circuit from original equation

Determine the expression for each intermediate signal and verify that this circuit realizes function F.

Use LogicWorks to simulate this circuit and verify that it realizes function F.

LogicWorks circuit file, first_m.cct, for the initial gate implementation. This file uses binary switches to manually control inputs.

LogicWorks circuit file, first_a.cct, for the initial gate implementation. This file is identical to first_m.cct, except that it uses clocks that are configured to automatically cycle through all possible input combinations.

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Last updated: January 25, 2000
© 1996, 2000, Scott F. Midkiff