1. Students cannot be expected to be competent with these skills because they are rarely taught and not everyone develops them independently.
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  2. [Empirical evidence of metacognitive teaching's efficacy] While research shows that low-achieving students need explicit information on how to perform academic tasks (Doyle, 1983), research by Winne and Marx (1982) suggests most teachers are least successful in providing that guidance and structure for students.
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  3. [Teachers should help students become aware of their metacognition and help them use it more often so that they can be part of their own learning process, transfer knowledge, and become high achievers] However, because not all students develop and use metacognition spontaneously, teachers need to provide students with explicit instruction in both metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive strategies. The most important point is that through practice of self-regulation, students can develop voluntary control over their own learning.
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