Superintendent conceptions of Institutional conditions That Impact Teacher Technology Integration Mitchell Shuldman This article studied the impact of school superintendents impact on technology integration on the school level. The study looked at 3 superintendents in New Hampshire. All agreed the technology integration is very important and necessary. One stated that it is up to the teacher to see how this gets done. The problem however is that teachers are not getting the training they need to successfully integrate technology. It is not just compatibility with the technology that is important but rather knowing how to utilize everything. Students can only succeed if the teacher knows what he/she is doing. All agreed that time, resources, expertise and support are main reasons why change does not occur more readily. In the climate of today's school systems "...there must first be a reason or a desire for change-a desire that is driven by someone's disstisfaction with the status quo." (p. 325) There will always be time constraints and other problems.