Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How amazing Web2.0 is !!!

The Web2.0 tool which I like most is Wiki. I can use it in class discussion, debate, resources sharing, etc. It could motivate students' learning and promote interaction between teachers and students. Through this assistant tool, the class will be much more effective and interesting.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hit the spot!!

something you've never known...

Do you know Obama loves chinese cakes?

Do you know Stanford has new students-sealions this year?

ha~~I must be crazy...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Renee's PPT

There are lots of secrets about me. (public secrets...)
In my powerpoint, I introduce myself, my work, working place-Dan-Shuei , and sharing an interesting website, my family's pictures and the video of my students' costume show. You will like it!