In answer to the question of whether or not the grandson can transmit a viral pneumonia to his grandmother with COPD. The simple answer is yes, he can transmit the virus to his grandmother. People most at risk for contracting a viral pneumonia are the elderly, and those who are taking immune supressant drug therapy, in this case steroids associated with the management of COPD. Common viral pneumonias are caused by influenza, parainfluenza, RSV, and Respiratory adenoviruses. Such Viral pneumonias are transmitted via droplets which are coughed, or sneezed into the air or by contaminated hands and/or objects. (South Dakota Department of Health, 2007). Viral pneumonia begins at a cellular level as the virus begins to compromise the integrity of the alveolar epithelial cell disrupting the tenuous balance between the the alveolar airspace and the capillary blood flow. With this balance disrupted fluid is allowed seep in to the alveolar space compromising systemic gas exchange. If allowed to persist death can occur in a matter of days. The grandmother in our case study is especially at risk due to her age, preexisting lung disease, and probable steroid use. Simple precautions that can be taken are frequent and diligent hand washing, avoiding his grandmother until the symptoms resolve. Diet and exercise play a role in the prevention and limitation of pneumonias. For example foods high in antioxidants and rich in nutrients play a role in supporting the immune system. Deep breathing, coughing and activity help to limit and prevent atelectasis form developing in the lungs and creating and environment amenable to a pneumonia viral or otherwise. Occasionally vaccines are available and should be taken by those at a higher risk, such as our case study grandmother. there is much more information available when the virus is identified, and how fast and severe the symptoms have progressed. Thanks, Joanna, Lorna, & Andria Health cares. net. Pneumonia prevention and Treatment. retrieved from South Dakota Department of Health. (2007) Common Viral Pneumonia. Retrieved from. National Institute of Health, Viral pneumonia