Fertility / Obstetric Oral Contraceptives Drug interactions: Efficacy of OCP’s reduced by penicillins, tetracyclines, rifampin, ibuprofen, phenytoin, barbiturates, sulfonamides OCP’s reduce efficacy of folates, anticoagulants, insulin, hypoglycemics, methyldopa, phenothiazides, TCA’s Contraindicated: see estrogen Ethinyl estradiol mestranol is cleaved to EE by the liver / oral contraceptives 19-nor progestins (medroxyprogesterone, MPA) variable effect on ovulation / impair transport and implantation Side effects: edema, weight gain, HA, menstrual irregularities / ? avoid w/ liver disease Intrauterine device (IUD) very effective in preventing pregnancy, can be used in nulliparous women Clomiphene (Clomid) induces ovulation / competitive ER antagonist in pituitary / used to achieve ovulation in PCOD (given with GnRH? to induce FSH, LH surge) / Side effects: hot flashes, multiple gestation (usually twins) Aromatase inhibitors block conversion of androgens to estrogens Mifepristone/RU-486 anti-progestin / given with prostaglandin to terminate pregnancy