
McGonigle, D. & Mastrian, K. (2012). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (2nd.ed.). Boston: Jones and Bartlett, Publishers

Read: Chapters 18, 19.

Additional Readings:

Canadian Nurses Association. (2006). Telehealth: The role of the nurse http://www2.cna-aiic.ca/cna/documents/pdf/publications/ps89_telehealth_e.pdf

Fernandez, R.D., & Hebert, G.J. (2004). Global licensure: New modalities of treatment and care require the development of new structures and systems to access care. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 28(2), 129-132.

Health Canada. (2003). Framework for remote and rural readiness for telehealth. http://hc-sc.gc.ca/hcs-sss/pubs/kdec/ab_alliance/ab_alliance1_e.html

McCarty, D., & Clancy, C. (2002). Telehealth: Implications for social work practice. Social Work, 47(2), 153-161.