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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Lee J, Marriage Broken relationship Divorce, supportive parents Baumrind’s parenting style teenagers, self-esteem & Self-efficacy peers want to be accepted, Marriage maintaining good marriage communication, partner Attachment style Secure attachment- able to love fully, open hearted, genuine intimacy long lasting relaitonship, THEORIES Mary Ainsworth Strange Situation, Marriage maintaining good marriage commitment, When caregiver goes away and comback baby can be happy Baumrind’s parenting style self-esteem & Self-efficacy, THEORIES John Bowlby Attachment Theory for our species, attachment is genetically programmed for survival., teenagers peers want to be accepted, partner compatible similar attractiveness, busy parents Baumrind’s parenting style neglectful/Disengaged Low Acceptance Low Control, Marriage Broken relationship affect children negatively, teenagers emotion Negtaive is emphasized than positive, supportive parents Baumrind’s parenting style Authoritative High Acceptance High Control, similar attractiveness Stimulus-Value-Role value comparison phase, partner compatible Marriage, supportive parents Baumrind’s parenting style Permissive/Indulgent High Acceptance Low Control, When caregiver goes away and comback baby can be happy Baumrind’s parenting style neglectful/Disengaged Low Acceptance Low Control, Strange Situation Insecure Attachment Avoidant, Anxious-Ambivilant, and Disorganized
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