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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: AD 2nd Grade curriculum, 1st Grade Lexile Reading Level range Lexile 340, stories in K12 2nd Grade are Tye May and the Magic Brush (Lexile 510) (U7, L14-15), stories in K12 2nd Grade are A Weed is a Flower (640 AD Lexile) (U8,L9-12), The Josephina Story Quilt (Lexile 420) (U2,L4-7) at Lexile 420, 2nd Grade Lexile Reading Level at Silent Sustained Reading Speed = 115 - 138 wpm (98% comprehension), stories in K12 2nd Grade are Buddy: The First Seeing Eye Dog (Lexile 600) (U8, L14-15; U9,L1, Peter Pan (Lexile 440) (U10,L12-15; U11,L1) at Lexile 440, U3,L5 has pdf assessemnt: Hector the Helper (Lexile 620) and Process passage, novel list includes A Lion to Guard Us (Lexile 360), pdf assessemnt article (Lexile 540) ???? Main Idea and details, 3rd Grade Lexile Reading Level range Lexile 510, U9,L15 has pdf assessemnt Tina Takes Charge (Lexile 760), stories in K12 2nd Grade are Long Way Westward (Lexile 320) (U3 L6-7), novel list includes Charlotte’s Web (Lexile 680), 3rd Grade Lexile Reading Level at Oral Reading Speed = 90 - 120 wpm (98% accuracy), stories in K12 2nd Grade are Knights of the Round Table (Lexile 340) (U12, L9-13: Optional), compare and contrast two sides of the same battle George the Drummer (Lexile 490) (U1,L15 and U2,L1), stories in K12 2nd Grade are Chang's Paper Pony (Lexile 440) (U2,L9-11), cummulative lessons are U9,L15, cummulative lessons are U2,L3
Lexile 600
The Long Way Westward
Lexile 610
Lexile 540
Moore Family Portfolios
Lexile 240
Lexile 100
Lexile 440
Lexile 670
Lexile 650
Lexile 400
Lexile 290
Story Hour Readers, Book Two, Ida Coe
The Beacon Second Reader
Lexile 380
Lexile 310
Sam the Minuteman
Lexile 390
The Bears on Hemlock Mountain
Course Outline Main CMap
Josephnina Story Quilt_The
Lexile 320
Lexile 200
Lexile 590
Peter Pan
Tye May and the Magic Brush
Lexile 740
Lexile 420
Lexile 690
Lexile 500
Lexile 790
Lexile 780
Chang's Paper Pony
Lexile 660
Lexile 230
Poetic Structure
2nd Grade Poetry Analysis
Poetic Narratives VoiceThread
Lexile 370
Lexile 530
Lexile 570
Lexile 330
Lexile 350
Lexile 700
armoorefam Home Cmap
Lexile 140
Lexile 630
Wagon Wheels
Subject Studies Index
Lexile 250
Lexile 260
Lexile 270
Book and Lexile Databses
Lexile 620
Essays and Narratives
Lexile 460
Lexile 710
Clara and the Book Wagon
Lexile 550
Lexile 480
Lexile 410
A Weed is a Flower
Lexile 430
Author's Style VoiceThread
Character Analysis VoiceThread
Plot and Conflict VoiceThread
Setting VoiceThread
Literary Analysis
Crow Boy
2nd Grade Level Non-Fiction
Long Way to A New Land
Lexile 510
Lexile 680
Lexile 490
Lexile 450
Lexile 560
Lexile 520
Lexile 190
Lexile 340
Lexile 280
Lexile 750
Robin Hood
Sam Bangs and Moonshine
Lexile 470
Lexile 580
Buddy The First Seeing Eye Dog
Lexile 360
George the Drummer Boy
Author's Style VoiceThread
Character Analysis VoiceThread
Plot and Conflict VoiceThread
Setting VoiceThread
Literary Analysis
Lexile 640
Novel Analysis_Elelemntary Level
Lexile 760