TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder)

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Uploaded by on Jul 6, 2009

This video describes the causes of TMJ as well as the treatment dental professionals use to treat this condition. Dr. Anthony Mobasser, (310) 550-0383,

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  • is...that...a...robot...speaki­ng? Nice video though

  • @streamr89 possibly a maxillo-facial surgeon. help frm a dentist is limited...

  • @streamr89 possibly maxillo-facial surgeon can put an end to the misery... dentists' help is limited,...

  • its so painful :'( my face is so swollen... i hate this...

  • omg i have the clicking and popping of the jaw and difficulty of opening and closing my mouth its like i cant open my mouth as wide anymore and it always tightens up on my left side it hurts like crap!

  • is it best to see a dentist or maxillo-facial surgeon?

  • @MoonkissedWolf i got the same thing as you cause i yawned and my mouth stretched more than usual i heard a pop and now it tightens when i try to open my mouth

  • @wrxSTi31 Nope. I kind of want to wait until after I have my baby, so I don't have appointments left and right. It's more annoying than anything else. I can't eat beef jerky :( Lol. Have you been?

  • @MoonkissedWolf something similar here, u been to the doctors yet

  • I'm not sure if this is what I have or not. When I eat chewy things or if I'm lying on my back or right side, then the right side of my jaw becomes locked. I never force it open. I either wait it out, or ease my jaw from side to side until it fixes itself. And when I eat normally, it just sort of pops on the right side. It's been going on for almost a year. :/

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