IHMC Public Cmaps (2)

        William J Hamiltion Jr January 2 2006
            William J. Hamilton Jr

                Administration Supported the Professors + Post WWII Optimism and Productivity - Mike Richmond.mp3
                A Fine Naturalist - Charlie Smith.mp3
                After Retirement Still in Office 2-3 days wk - Mike Richmond.mp3
                A H Wright coming to Whitaker Class - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Always Had Time - Open Door Policy - Took time to Talk to People - Mike Richmond + Elan Margulies.mp3
                Always in Lab - Glenn Wolfenden.mp3
                Always Very Helpful - Plantations Natural Areas Committe - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Animal Tracks at Ringwood - retold by Elan Margulies (with Don Rakow).mp3
                Anti-phoniness - Tom Eisner.mp3
                As a Masters Student Not Finding Lizard - Elan Margulies (with Mike Richmond).mp3
                Ate Many Different Things -Not a Wasteful Person -Why He Ate These Things -Beast Feast -Recipes + Ideas - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Attitude Towards Work - Interest in Living Things - Fertile Mind - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Backyard Biology 2 -Tom Eisner.mp3
                Backyard Biology - Tom Eisner.mp3
                Beartrap in Middle of Trail 2 - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Beartrap in Middle of Trail - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Became a Humorist and Trixter to the Younger Generation - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Bitter on his Death Bed (Plantations Didnt Accept Conifer Collection) - Don Rakow.mp3
                Bitter on his deathbed - Don Rakow.mp3
                Blackbear Dropped Off at Vert Zoo Class Lab - Glenn Wolfenden.mp3
                Bob Clausen's Protege - Don Rakow.mp3
                Bob Clausen - flying in the field - retold by Elan Margulies (with Don Rakow).mp3
                Bob Clausen - old school naturalist - learn tons of taxa - Don Rakow.mp3
                Bob Eadie and Hamilton Sharing Office After Retirement - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Bull Frogs in February (Addition) - Charlie Smith.mp3
                Bullfrogs in February - retold by Elan Margulies (with John O Whitaker).mp3
                Bullfrogs in Ithaca in February - retold by Elan Margulies (with Glenn Wolfenden).mp3
                Came to Every Seminar - Complimented and then Asked Questions - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Canadian Border Crossing - Harrison Ambrose.mp3
                Cayuga Heights Police Blotter - Just his way of saying Hi - Don Rakow.mp3
                Charles Sibley - exception to humor - artist or scientist - office layout - Charlie Smith.mp3
                Charles Sibley - moving to Yale bird collection - Charlie Smith.mp3
                Chinese Workers in Basement - Don Rakow.mp3
                Collecting Meadow Voles - Harrison Ambrose.mp3
                Come and Get it Boys - Eating Bear Meat in Fernow - Glenn Wolfenden and Elan Margulies.mp3
                Conservation 8 and Field Biology - Charlie Smith.mp3
                Couldnt Top Hamilton's Jokes (you wouldnt get very far) - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Cutting Open Female Gardner Snake (Vert Zoo Field Trip) - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Deer Kill at Lab of Ornithology - Charlie Smith.mp3
                Didnt Leave to Work Michigan - Cornell Allowed Research -Elan Margulies (with Mike Richmond).mp3
                Didnt Suffer Fools Lightly (seperating wheat from chaff) - Don Rakow.mp3
                Dogsled Team Never Heard from Again (Vert Zoo) - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Donation of Dwarf Conifers to Plantations - Don Rakow.mp3
                Drinking Formalin by Mistake - Glenn Wolfenden and Elan Margulies.mp3
                Dwarf Conifer Collection - Charlie Smith and Elan Margulies.mp3
                Eating Lovebirds Eggs at Lab of Ornithology - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Economic Conservation - Value of Vertebrates - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Economic Value of the Toad - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Ed Raney - and his grad students - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Eisners Gartner Snake Story - retold by Elan Margulies (with John O Whitaker).mp3
                Elephant at Bebee Lake - Charlie Smith.mp3
                Elephant at Bebee Lake - Harrison Ambrose.mp3
                Elephant - Tom Eisner.mp3
                Exellent Graduate Instructor + Working Early Morning - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Femur of a Deer - Lambert Family Tradition - retold by Elan Margulies (with Charlie Smith).mp3
                Fertilizer and the Presidents Wife - Harrison Ambrose.mp3
                First Daphodils of Spring (whiddling away) - retold by Elan Margulies (with Don Rakow).mp3
                First Daphodils of Spring - Don Rakow.mp3
                First Daphodils of Spring - Glenn Wolfenden.mp3
                First Daphodils of Spring -Harrison Ambrose.mp3
                First Daphodils of Spring with Animal Pest- Elan Margulies (with Harrison Ambrose).mp3
                Fisher (cut off finger) - retold by Elan Margulies (Glenn Wolfenden).mp3
                Fisher (just cut off my finger) - retold by Elan Margulies (with John O Whitaker).mp3
                Food Habits, Niche (Not Homerange), Community Structure - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Foxy Lady at End of Mammology - Glenn Wolfenden.mp3
                Gardener's Acid Test (I just threw down the seeds) - retold by Elan Margulies (with Don Rakow).mp3
                Gartner Snakes - Tom Eisner.mp3
                Geneology of Story - Harrison Ambrose.mp3
                Getting out of Faculty Meeting - Harrison Ambrose.mp3
                Golden Years - Giants in a Forest Accentuate Each Others Growth - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Good Mammal Collection - Charlie Smith.mp3
                Grad Student Cutting Up Daphodils - retold by Elan Margulies (with Glenn Wolfenden).mp3
                Great Teacher that Used Specimens and Then Went on to Fiction - Glenn Wolfenden.mp3
                Hamilton Imitating Frog Calls at Party - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Hamilton Introduced Whitakers Wife as His Own - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Hamilton Lecture Series - Don Rakow.mp3
                Hamilton making fun of AH Wright - retold by Elan Margulies (with Glenn Wolfenden).mp3
                Hamilton preparing for Verne Rockcastles Class - retold by Elan Margulies (with John O Whitaker).mp3
                Hands Off Approach with Graduate Students - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Height Preserve (little history and woman to follow up with) - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Height Preserve - Tom Eisner.mp3
                He was not a preservationist - Manage Intellegently - Continum of Conservation - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Honoring Hamilton at the Mammalogy meeting in Rhode Island + Influence in Mammalogy - Mike Richmond.mp3
                How he Kidded People - Reserved with his Sense of Humor with Mike - Find a Person to Joke with - Mike Richmond.mp3
                I Just Stepped Out of the Helicopter and There it Was - retold by Elan Margulies (with Charlie Smith).mp3
                Increadibly Knowledgable - Tom Eisner.mp3
                Influenced by Hamilton (Slightly Younger) Whimset and Van Teehoven - Mike Richmond.mp3
                In the Garden - Collector of Extrodinary Plants - Don Rakow.mp3
                Involved in Plantations - Don Rakow.mp3
                It Couldnt Be Johnsii - retold by Elan Margulies (with Don Rakow).mp3
                Its About Hamilton and People Like Him - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Janitor at Mammology Meeting - Switching Rooms - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Journaling - Taking Students to Visit Bee Hive - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Journaling - Write it Down and it becomes Data - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Lady Brings a Mouse to His Office - Charlie Smith.mp3
                Large Stature + Boxing (prize fighting) - Glenn Wolfenden.mp3
                Leader in Mammalogy in America - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Leaders in their Field Addressing Each Vert Group - Giants of the Forest - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Leeks in the Garden - retold by Elan Margulies (with Don Rakow).mp3
                Leeks in the Garden - retold by Elan Margulies (with Harrison Ambrose).mp3
                Lewd Slides in Oli Hewitts Lectures - Charlie Smith.mp3
                Licking Alum (Switching Fingers) - Glenn Wolfenden.mp3
                Lively Mind - Don Rakow.mp3
                Logic leading to the illogical (story telling) - Glenn Wolfenden.mp3
                Low Budgets for Research and Grad Students - Descriptive Natural History - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Mammal Collection - Man Driven by Curiosity - Elan Margulies (with Mike Richmond).mp3
                Mammals of Eastern North America - Charlie Smith.mp3
                Marsh Harrairers Standing on Mice Runways - Glenn Wolfenden.mp3
                Monkey Story (Grad Student Appliying for Job) - retold by Elan Margulies (with Glenn Wolfenden).mp3
                More Interested in Telling the Story than Getting the Info Across - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Mousetrap in the Garden - retold by Elan Margulies (with Don Rakow).mp3
                Mushroom - Harrison Ambrose.mp3
                Mushroom Tunnels - retold by Elan Margulies (with Don Rakow).mp3
                Never with Mallace (Just to be Funny) - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Not a Follower of other Ideas – Many of his Ideas led to Areas of Research in the Future – Mike Richmond.mp3
                Not a very Good Teacher + Could not get a Straigh Answer - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Olie Hewitt + Wildlife Management - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Oversized Garden Mousetrap - retold by Elan Margulies (with Harrison Ambrose).mp3
                Pass himself off as Gardener or Janitor - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Personal Tour of Garden During His Naptime - retold by Elan Margulies (with Don Rakow).mp3
                Pigeon Lunch with Grad Student - Charlie Smith.mp3
                Pigeon - Tom Gavin.mp3
                Pingpong Snapping Turtle Egg - retold by Elan Margulies (with Glenn Wolfenden).mp3
                Plantations - Philosophy - The Plant has Always Been Rare (Frans Gensin) - Mike Richmond and Elan Margulies.mp3
                Plant Presentation - No he's Prof Hamilton - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Poaching Emily Gordon's Day Lilys - retold by Elan Margulies (with Charlie Smith).mp3
                Poisonous Salamander - Tom Gavin.mp3
                Polish Journal of Mammalogy - retold by Elan Margulies (John O Whitaker).mp3
                Polish Journal of Mammology - retold by Elan Margulies (with Harrison Ambrose).mp3
                President Perkins Finest Compost - Charlie Smith.mp3
                Puzzeled about Studying Animals in Captivity (Microtine Life Cycle) - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Rabbit Tracks in Winter - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Rabbit Traps in the Garden - retold by Elan Margulies (with Don Rakow).mp3
                Rabbit Traps in the Garden - retold by Elan Margulies (with Glenn Wolfenden).mp3
                Rabbit Traps in the Garden - retold by Elan Margulies (with John O Whitaker).mp3
                Raney and Hamilton as a Teaching Pair (Zoo8 , ichthy and Mammol) - Glenn Wolfenden.mp3
                Rare Lily on Coathanger - retold by Elan Margulies (with Don Rakow).mp3
                Rattling Bottles at Mammalogist Meeting - Glenn Wolfenden.mp3
                Reliable- Fulfilled Commitments- Well I proposed the Same work 20yrs ago- Tell if he was Kidding- Mike Richmond.mp3
                Revising Mammals of Eastern N America and Sorex cinnereous - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Search for Article (Cornell Comic) - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Seperating Fact - Wild Bill Lore - Elan Margulies (with Glenn Wolfenden).mp3
                Shark Bite - Tom Eisner.mp3
                Singaling out students in Lecture - Glenn Wolfenden.mp3
                Sleep with lady of the house - Tom Eisner.mp3
                Sleep with the Lady of the House - retold by Elan Margulies (with John O Whitaker).mp3
                Smashing An Ostrich Egg - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Specimen Oriented Studies (for Undergrads) - Glenn Wolfenden.mp3
                Steam Rising from Mouse in Winter - Glenn Wolfenden.mp3
                String you along for a while - Charlie Smith.mp3
                Take a Bite or Fake a Bite - Glenn Wolfenden.mp3
                Take the Time to Investigate (Stop to Listen and Look) - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Tapes in the Garden - Immense Appreciation for Life - Elan Margulies (with Mike Richmond).mp3
                Teaching thru Specimens - Glenn Wolfenden.mp3
                The More You Know the More You See - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Transition to Molecular Biology and Genetics (beginning in 1969-70) - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Turtle Egg Ping Pong Ball - John O Whitaker.mp3
                Turtle Egg -Pingpong ball - retold by Elan Margulies (with Harrison Ambrose).mp3
                Up in Fernow Hall with Makanaws and Tee Boots - Glenn Wolfenden.mp3
                Used His Humor to Diffuse Arguments + Natural Areas Dispute - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Using Hamilton and others as Models for Teaching - Glenn Wolfenden.mp3
                Using Mammal Collection Today - Pesticides in Pellage - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Vert Zoology - Focus on Ornith and Ichthy - Mammal Collection - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Vet College (Howi Evans + other) Part of the Golden Age Nat History - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Visiting Don Rakows Garden and Identifying Rare Plants - Don Rakow.mp3
                Where Fact Ended and Fiction Began (story telling) - Glenn Wolfenden.mp3
                Whimsical Dialoug in the Garden - Don Rakow.mp3
                Willard Straight - Olie Hewitt and Practical Jokers - Charlie Smith.mp3
                William J Hamilton 3rd (Son) - Charlie Smith.mp3
                Working with a Scientist with a Sense of Humor - Mike Richmond.mp3
                Would You Like a Cigar (H Brumsted) - retold by Elan Margulies (with Charlie Smith).mp3
                Zoo 8 and Mammalogy - Glenn Wolfenden.mp3