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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Honeybees, flower opens with Worker bee in the middle gathering nectar ???? Worker bee flies to another flower gathers more nectar and puts it in a special honey stomach, pollen is carried in separate pollen baskets on the hind legs, closed flower ???? flower opens with Worker bee in the middle gathering nectar, The Hive The mixture then slowly converts into honey as its moisture content drops from about 70% in the nectar to less than 18% in the honey. When the cell is full the bees seal it with a beeswax cap. Workers do all the work Three classes of bees Worker-smallest bee Drone-used only for mating Queen-largest bee and each normal colony has only one. Sole purpose to lay eggs, Worker bee flies to another flower gathers more nectar ???? bee flies to hive the next worker bee sucks the nectar from the bees mouth. This mixture is then transferred to a honey cell in the hive., Honeybees (where does honey come from?) ???? closed flower, Worker bee flies to another flower gathers more nectar and puts it in a special honey stomach, pollen is carried in separate pollen baskets on the hind legs Worker bee flies to another flower gathers more nectar, Three classes of bees Worker-smallest bee Drone-used only for mating Queen-largest bee and each normal colony has only one. Sole purpose to lay eggs Workers only have stingers The Bee goes back for more nectar and the process of collecting honey continues., bee flies to hive the next worker bee sucks the nectar from the bees mouth. This mixture is then transferred to a honey cell in the hive. The Hive The mixture then slowly converts into honey as its moisture content drops from about 70% in the nectar to less than 18% in the honey. When the cell is full the bees seal it with a beeswax cap.