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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: ChavdaFenwickPasaolPeterson-Planning Resources, Planning Resources Individual Group Members Chavda, Pasoal, Peterson Hospital Physical Therapy Department, Outpatient Monthly Referrals from physicians Bi-monthly staff meetings Staff performance Patient care issues Insurance updates Share current informations Statiactis of the month Productivity Rental for equipments Building rentals Utility costs Client location and service area Billing, Outpatient Daily Scheduling clients Scheduling employees Collecting co-pays, Planning Resources Individual Group Members Chavda, Pasoal, Peterson Home Health, Outpatient Quarterly Finacial review summary Client's satisfactiory survey Reimbursement summary Continuing education cost, Home Health Quarterly Financial-Profits/Losses Educational Training Development Continuous Quality Improvement Occurence Reports CLinical Record Review Reorts Oasis Data Entry Audit Reports Clinical Audit Visit Reports Referral/Admission Reports Adverse Event Reports Department Reports New Business, Hospital Physical Therapy Department 3-5 years Review of Mission & Vision, Hospital Physical Therapy Department Daily Staffing Patient Volumes Patient Cancellations Risk Management/Incident Reports, Home Health Annual JCAHO/HCFA State Survery Peer/Performace Review Compliance Review Annual In service Policy Procedures Review Risk Management Reports Overview of year ending budgets/goals meet Projection of new years budgets/projects Review of Mission Statement and Vision, Outpatient Annual APTA conferences APTA memberships Capital budget Operating buget minor expense budget Insurance Audits Arbor Survey Computer based learning MPTA educational meeting, Outpatient Weekly Pay rolls adjustments Change in the house of billing Change in the laws Standard pratice, Consensus of Group Members Chavda, Pasoal, Peterson Resources Beneficial & Why * Book: Nosse LJ. Friberg DG. Kovacek PR. Managerial & Supervisory Principles for Physical Therapists.Second Edition. Philadelphia, PA. Lippincott Willimams & Wilkins;2005: 130-140, 156-165. The book provided a good foundation for learning the basics about organizational design and strategic planning, and the the fundamental documents required. * APTA provides numerous management tools and is available at www.apta.org. APTA membership also provides resources to it's members and connection to peers. * Business Plans by MBA. Available at:http://angel.dmu.edu/section/default.asp?id= 08B6%5FPPDPT%5F1601C%5F01. Accessed on March 8, 2009. This website provides samples of business plans, including health care documents, making application of the principles taught in this course easier to understand., Hospital Physical Therapy Department Annual Up-date of Scope of Service Goals & Objectives * Includes Service, People, Financial, Clinical and Mission Pathways * Quality Improvement * SWOT Budget * Volume Projections * FTEs * Supplies & Equipment * Educational Needs Marketing Strategies Review of Policies and Procedures Review of regulations - Joint Commission, changes in CPT codes, Performance reviews, Planning Resources Individual Group Members Chavda, Pasoal, Peterson Outpatient, Hospital Physical Therapy Department Quarterly Customer Service Report -Composite of monthly results Quality Improvement Report Risk Management Reports Review of Department Goals Employee mini review -progress towards annual goals Administrative Reports, Home Health Weekly Weekly Review of Plan of care Review of patient frequency/change, Hospital Physical Therapy Department Monthly Financial Reports Volume Statistics FTE Reports Staff Meetings * Review of statistics and financial * Quality improvement activity for month * Customer satisfaction results * Staff concerns Audits of documentation and billing Educational programs Risk Management/Incident Reports, Consensus of Group Members Chavda, Pasoal, Peterson Planning Activities Most Important * Mission and Vision * Setting Goals, Home Health Monthly Patient Volume Potential Discharges Customer Satisfaction Reports Oasis Audits Incident Reports Referrals Quality Care Reports Marketing Campaign Progress, Planning Resources Individual Group Members Chavda, Pasoal, Peterson Consensus of Group Members Chavda, Pasoal, Peterson