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Ressources pour Freight Transportation Actor Map 01-01advise to council trade corridos.pdf AASHTO.url A Environment Initiative Action Item Addendum PRIORITIZED 09 22 08.pdf Alameda Corridor.url A Low-Carbon Fuel Standard for California Part 2, Policy Analysis.url AMACARGA.url American Association of Port Authority.url American Association of Railroad.url American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE).url American Public Transport Association.url American Trucking Association.url AMF.url AMIA.url AMITT.url AMPO.url AMTI.url AMTM.url An Analysis of PM and NOx Train Emissions in the Alameda Corridor, CA, UC Irvine.pdf ANIERM.url ANPACT.url ANTP.url Arizona-Mexico Commission.url Art 13 Foundation Paper TOR.docx Assessing the effect of freight movement on air quality at the national and regional level, ICF.pdf Assessing the Effects of Freight Movement on Air Quality at the National and Regional Level.pdf Assessing the Effects of Freight Movement on Air Quality at the National and Regional Level, ICF.pdf Association du camionnage du Québec.url Atlantica.url benjamin.cmap BNSF Railway.url CAGTC.url Cambridge Systematics.url Cameintram.url Canacar.url Canadian Chamber of commerce.url Canadian Industrial Transportation Association.url Canadian Institute of Traffic amd Transportation.url Canadian Transport Research Gateway.url Canadian Trucking Alliance.url Canaero.url Canamex Corridor.url Cascadia.url CEDAN.url Center for Climate Change and Environmenral Forecasting.url Center for sustainable transportation.url Center for Transportation Research, U. Texas.url CILTNA.url CIRRELT.url Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Berkeley.url CNATA.url CN Railroad.url Companies.cmap Comparative Evaluation of Infrastructure Strategies to Reduce Emissions from Intermodal Freight Movement in Southern California.url Comparison of Technological and Operational Strategies to Reduce Trucking Emissions in Southern California.url Consultants.cmap Continental 1.url Corridor.cmss Corridor Associations.cmap CP Railway.url Creating partnership with local communities to manage and preserve corridors, technical report.pdf CRT.url CTRF.url CTS.url Cutting Transport CO2 emissions.pdf Cutting Transport CO2 emissions, OECD.pdf DCT.url Developing_Mid_Continent_Intermodal_Facilities_2000.pdf Documents.cmap Drivers of Change, Thinking About North American Freight Transportation Infrastructure in 2030.url Eco Freight Canada.url EcoFreight Program.url ECOS - Transportation.url EDF.url Emilie Jessula Greening Trade Corridors July 2008.doc Energy Efficiency Strategies for Freight Trucking, Potential Impact on Fuel Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.url Energy Foundation.url Eno Transportation Foundation.url Entrada al Pacifico corridor.url Environmental Assessment of Freight Transportation in the US.url Environmental Impacts of a Major Freight Corridor, A Study of the I-710 in California, U Irvine.pdf ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH NEEDS IN TRANSPORTATION, 2002, TRB.pdf Environnement Canada.url Estimating Transportation, Related Greenhouse.url Estimating Transportation-Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Use in New York State.url Evaluation of Life-Cycle Air Emission Factors of Freight Transportation.url Fedex.url Fernandez-Transportation-Symposium08-21apr_en.pdf Fernandez-Trucking-Symposium08-21apr_en.pdf Ferromex.url FHWA-DOT-Environment.url For Profit.cmss FreedomCar, Vehicle Technologies Program.url Freight Data Needs at the Metropolitan Level and the Suitability of Intelligent Transportation Systems in Supplying MPOs with the Needed Freight Data, U Irvine.pdf Freight Movement on Air Quality at the National and Regional Level.pdf freight stakeholders coalition.url Freight Transportation Actor Map.cmap Freight Transportation Actor Map A.cmap Freight Transportation Actor Map B.cmap Freight Transportation Infrastructure Policies in Canada, Mexico & the US, An Overview and Analysis.pdf Government.cmap Greenhouse Gas Emissions from U.S. Freight Sources, Using Activity Data to Interpret Trends and Reduce Uncertainty.url Greenhouse Gas Emissions of the U.S. Transportation Sector, Trends, Uncertainties, and Methodological Improvements.url Greenhouse gas Mitigation policies and the transportation sector, The role of feedback effects on policy effectiveness.pdf Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies in the Transport Sector, Preliminary Report.pdf Greening trade corridors, Stephen Blank, 2009 I-95 Corridor Coalition.url IATA.url ICAO.url ICF International.url IFCBA.url IFLN.url IISD.url image.jpg IMO.url Impacts of Highway Congestion on Freight Operations, Perceptions of Trucking Industry Managers, U Irvine.pdf IMT.url IMTC Project.url Institute of Transportation Engineers.url Instituto Mexicano del Transporte (IMT).url Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática.url Intelligent and Environmentally sensible Transportation Systems, An Alternatine Vision.pdf Intermodal association of N-A.url Intermodal Transport Institute.url ITF - OECD.url ITS UC Davis.url ITS UC Irvine.url ITTS.url Kansas City Trade Corridor Network.url Kansas DOT.url Map of Actors.cmap Map of Actors A.cmap Mid Continent Trade Corridor.url MIT - CTL.url Mitigating the Social and Environmental Impacts of Multimodal Freight Corridor Operations at Southern California Ports,Wilfred Recker.pdf Molina Center Strategic Studies in Energy and Environment.url NA.cmss NACTS.url Nafta Transportation Corridors, Approaches to assessing environmental impacts and alternatives, Sierra Club.pdf NASCO.url NATCRC - Building North America.url National Customs Brokers and Fowarders Association of America.url NCIT.url NGO.cmap NGplains.url Noeud.cmss Noeud imbriqué.cmss North America.cmss North American Free Trade Agreement truck highway corridors, US Mexican Truck Rivers of Trade.url North American Trade and Transportation Corridors, Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Strategies, ICF.pdf Northern Great Plains.url Not for Profit.cmss NWCorridor.url Oak Ridge National Laboratory.url Our Built and Natural Environments, A technical Review of the interactions between Land Use, Transportation and Environmental Quality, ICF.pdf Pembina Institute.url PNWER.url Policy Implications of Life-Cycle Air Emissions of Freight Transportation in the United States.url Pollution Probe.url Ports-to-Plains Trade Corridor Alliance.url Prospecting the Future for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Markets, U Davis.pdf Qc - NY Corridor.url rail.jpg Railway Association of Canada.url Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from US Transportation.pdf Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the California Corridor, The potential of short sea shipping, U Berkeley.pdf Research Institutions.cmap Ressource for the future.url RITA - DOT.url Robert Transport.url Rochester Institute of Technology.url ROTCC.url Ryder Green.url SAFETY-LU.url Sierra Club.url Smartway.url Surface Transportation Policy Center.url SWEEP.url Texas Citizen Fund.url Texas Citizen Funf.url The Cost and Effectiveness of Policies to Reduce Vehicle Emissions.pdf The Role of TDM and Other Transportation Strategies in State Climate Action Plans, ICF.pdf The US Freight Transportation System in the Global Enonomy.pdf Think Tanks.cmap Think Tanks 2.cmap Toronto Trucking Association.url Toward Effective Transportation Policy, U Davis.pdf Trade and Transport Associations.cmap Transportation development Center.url Transportation sustainability Research Center.url Transportation Vision and Strategy for the 21st Century Summit.url Transport Canada.url Transporte.url Transport Institute, U Manitoba.url Trans Texas Corridor.url TRB.url TRF.url Trucking Industry Demand for Urban Shared Use Freight Terminals, U Irvine.pdf TSRC.url TTI.url U California, Berkeley.url UGPTI.url UManitoba Transport Institute.url U Manitoba Transport Institute.url U Michigan Transportation Research Institute.url Union Pacific Railroad.url UPS.url US Chamber of Commerce.url US Departement of Energy, Transportation.url US DOE Clean Cities.url US DOT.url US EPA.url US EPA, Transportation and Climate.url Victoria Transport Policy Institute.url Volvo.url WEorld Ressource Institute.url West Coast Corridor.url Westgov.url Workplan for a report by the CEC under Article 13 on Towards Sustainable Freight Transportation in NA.doc World business council for sustainable development.url World Shipping Council.url WWF.url WWF US.url