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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Reactions, radical as RADICALIC HALOGENATION alogenazione radicalica, RADICALIC HALOGENATION alogenazione radicalica have an OVERALL SCHEME schema complessivo, MECHANISMS meccanismi include radical, MECHANISMS meccanismi hanno STEPS stadi, RADICALIC HALOGENATION alogenazione radicalica primed by innescata dalla luce UV UV light, ORGANIC REACTIONS have relevant MECHANISMS meccanismi, Polar include SUBSTITUTION sostituzione, MECHANISMS meccanismi include pericyclic, RADICALIC HALOGENATION alogenazione radicalica can have SIDE REACTIONS reazioni collaterali, Second step = propagation = Br⋅ binds to an H⋅ leaving an intermediate radical and H-Br. Then the radical reacts with another halogen molecule forming the desidered product and HX Third step = termination, in which any couple of radicals combine to form paired and stable molecules., SUBSTRATE substrato e.g. an alkane as methane, pentane etc., ORGANIC REACTIONS e.g. RADICALIC HALOGENATION alogenazione radicalica, RADICALIC HALOGENATION alogenazione radicalica is a SUBSTITUTION sostituzione, First step = split a Br2 molecule in 2 halogen Br⋅ atoms caused by luce UV UV light, ORGANIC REACTIONS have often a REACTANT reagente o reattivo, MECHANISMS meccanismi include Polar, RADICALIC HALOGENATION alogenazione radicalica have First step = split a Br2 molecule in 2 halogen Br⋅ atoms, Polar include ELIMINATION, ORGANIC REACTIONS have often a SUBSTRATE substrato, REACTANT reagente o reattivo e.g. <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> <mrow> <mtext> bromine
( </mtext> <mmultiscripts> <mtext> Br </mtext> <mtext> 2 </mtext> <none/> </mmultiscripts> <mtext> ) </mtext> </mrow> </math>