Hi Group 1: nice work on your response. Concise, yet comprehensive. We have a 68-year-old female smoker has coughed up a cupful of bright red blood. For the previous 3-4 months, she has had a chronic nonproductive cough and, more recently, some blood-streaked sputum. She reports increase fatigability, reduced appetite, and unintentional weight loss. She denies chest pain, fever, chills, or night sweats. On examination, her chest reveals scattered rhonchi bilaterally without wheezes or crackles. She has clubbing of the fingers. The next easiest and most logical step would be a CXR PA and lateral. There is no immediate requirement for oxygen therapy. You correctly identified CXR in your work up, and although pulse ox might give you some more clues, it might not. Nice work! Thank you. Jack