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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Radiographic and Fluoroscopic Equipment, Main Power supplies power to x-ray machine, Control Console manipulates Main Power, Tube Stand Movements Vertical, Tilting types 90-30 Tilt, Tube Stand Movements Transverse, kVp indicates amount of voltage for supply to x-ray tube ranges between 30-150 kVp, Floor-to-Wall or Ceiling runs both along steel track made on the floor, Radiographic and Fluoroscopic Equipment Adler-Carlton Chapter 8 Composed of Equipment Unique to Fluoroscopy, glass and it's enclosed in a metal housing contains cathode (negatively charged), Control Console manipulates kVp, X-ray Table classified by Height, spot film device permits radiologist to obtain static images during a dynamic fluoroscopic exam, visual queue by light, Time equals mAs, termination of exposure signaled by visual queue, Floor-to-Wall or Ceiling runs both along wall or ceiling, audible queue by beep, glass and it's enclosed in a metal housing contains anode (positively charged), Height types Adjustable, x-ray tube under the table when moved as the fluoroscopy carriage allows for dynamic imaging