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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Connor Barretta ch5, Classical conditioning Factors of classical conditioning Higher order conditioning: A SCS is paired with a nuetral stimulus cuasing the neutral stimulus to become a CS, Punishment: any event or stimulusthat,when following a response,cuases that response to be less likely to happen again. ???? punishment by application:when something is applied like a spanking after a response cuasing the response to happen less likely, Learning Operant Conditioning Biological constraints:, Classical conditioning Factors of classical conditioning Stimulus generalization:the tendency to respond to a stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus, Learning useful definition Learning is any relatively permanent change brought about by experience or practice, Classical conditioning elements of classical conditioning unconditioned response:reflex response to the unconditioned stimulus (dogs saliva), This cmap worthy of A+, obsevational learning four elements of observation attention, B.F. Skinner:named OP father of behaviorism reinforcement partial reinforcement:effect:a responce that is reinforced some of the time, Law of Effect: If an action is followed by a pleasurable consequence it will be repeated; if an action is followed by an unpleasurable consequence it will not be repeated ???? basic princible of operant conditioning, Connor Barretta associated with This cmap, Latent Learning: the idea that learning could happen without reinforcement Learning/performance distinction: learning can take place without actual performance ????, obsevational learning four elements of observation imitation, Edward L.Thorndike Experimented with cats Law of Effect: If an action is followed by a pleasurable consequence it will be repeated; if an action is followed by an unpleasurable consequence it will not be repeated, Learning Operant Conditioning B.F. Skinner:named OP father of behaviorism, Learning types of learning Classical conditioning, Learning Operant Conditioning shaping: small steps toward a goal are reinforced until the goal is reached, B.F. Skinner:named OP father of behaviorism reinforcement variable ratio schedule of reinforcement: the number of responses changes in each trail, obsevational learning bobo doll study Bandura, obsevational learning four elements of observation memory