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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Emily Hickman ch. 6 memory, Memory 2. Storage, Constructive processing: memories become altered, revised, or influenced by newer info. can lead to hindsight bias: falsely believe that one could have correctly predicted the outcome of and event, Effects end Recency: remember end of informations better than beginning, Forgetting ???? Encoding Failure: failure to process information into memory, brief memory Echoic (Sound)-echo, Memory Models of Memory Information-processing model: approach that focuses on the way information is processed, or handled, through three differenct stages of memory., long-term: information is kept more or less permanently unconscious skills/habits Procedural, Memory defined an active system that recieves information from the senses, puts that information into a usable form, and organizes it as it stores it away, and then retrieves the information from storage., Memory ???? Sensory Memory: 1st stage of memory, the point at wich information enters the nervous system through the sensory systems, short-term: information is held for a brief time while being used ???? working memory- processes information in the short-term memory, Memory Levels-of-processing model: assumes that information that is "more deeply processed" will be remembered more efficiently and for a longer period of time., Memory 3 Stages of Memory 1. Encoding, long-term: information is kept more or less permanently consciously known declarative, long-term: information is kept more or less permanently general knowledge semantic, Forgetting ???? Distributed Practice: spacing the study of material to be remembered by including breaks between study periods, retrograde amnesia memory before 3 infatile amnesia, Memory Models of Memory Information-processing model: approach that focuses on the way information is processed, or handled, through three differenct stages of memory., Forgetting ???? Curve of Forgetting: a graph showing a distinct pattern in which forgetting is very fast within the first hout after learning a list and then tapers off gradually, Memory and the Brain loss of memory retrograde amnesia, long-term: information is kept more or less permanently Retrival of Long-Term Memories retrieval cue: stimulus for remembering