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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Sarah Foss 20121 ch.5, Types of reinforcement (to increase a behavior) ???? secondary-associated with a primary reinforcer (money->sex), Learning Can be divided into Operant conditioning: learning to make voluntary responses through the effects of positive or negative consequences, punishment leads to behavior modification-using operant conditioning to change a behavior, Classical Conditioning: conditioning involuntary responses to conditioned stimuli In order to occur, certain requirements must be met -CS must precede UCS, punishment 2 types Punishment by application: something unpleasant is added (ex. spanking), Types of reinforcement (to increase a behavior) primary- rewards with basic need (food), Classical Conditioning: conditioning involuntary responses to conditioned stimuli coined by Ivan Pavlov/consists of 1. Unconditioned Stimulus: naturally occurring stimulus (food), Types of reinforcement (to increase a behavior) to decrease a behavior punishment, Operant conditioning: learning to make voluntary responses through the effects of positive or negative consequences related to Cognitive learning theory-takes into account cognition, punishment 2 types punishment by removal: removal of something pleasant (ex. groundinga), Cognitive learning theory-takes into account cognition studied by Tolman with rats in a maze "Latent learning"- learning can happen without reinforcement, but may not be demonstrated until reinforcer is present, Cognitive learning theory-takes into account cognition Kohler studied chimps "Insight": rapid perception of relationships, not predicted by traditional anim al learning studies, Bobo doll: when children watched aggression towards doll, they imitated it "learning/performance distinction" May be correlated with violence in movies--> violence in viewers, Types of reinforcement (to increase a behavior) positive-addition of pleasurable consequence, Learning Can be divided into Classical Conditioning: conditioning involuntary responses to conditioned stimuli, behavior modification-using operant conditioning to change a behavior includes Applied behavior analysis (ABA -can be applied to children with autism, Observational learning: learning of new behavior through watching the actions of a model observed by Albert Bndura Bobo doll: when children watched aggression towards doll, they imitated it "learning/performance distinction", Observational learning: learning of new behavior through watching the actions of a model ???? To successful learn observationally- 4 factors, Learning Can be divided into Observational learning: learning of new behavior through watching the actions of a model, To successful learn observationally- 4 factors must involve 1. attention 2.memory 3. imitation 4.motivation