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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Leanna Willoughby 20121 Chapter 6, Getting it out: retrieval Retrieval is getting the information they know they have out of storage., caused by problems in brain function associated with brain trauma, disease or aging Antergrade Patient H.M. is a classic case study, Recognition Fact False positives can occur, Declarative Memory (explicit memory) Semantic memory Facts, general knowledge, Memory Constructive processing of memories Loftus and others have suggested that memory retrieval is a constructive process; memories are "built" at time of retrieval., Encoding specificity Definiton Improved memory for information if physical surroundings are similare to those when the memory was first formed., Amnesia Second kind Infantile amnesia, Memory Three processes of Memory Putting it in: encoding, Memory Recall vs Recognition Recognition, Patient H.M. is a classic case study Story H.M. was 16 years old when he began to suffer from severe epileptic seizures. 11 years later, H.M.'s hippocampi and adjacent medial temporal lobe structures were removed in an experiemental operation that the surgeonhoped would stop his seizures. The last thing H.M. could remember was being rolled on the gurney to the operating room, and from then on his ability to form new declarative memories was profoundly impaired., Proactive Definition Previously learned, Memory Models of Memory Levels-of-processing model, Levels-of-processing model Discription Deeper processing associated with longer retention, Memory Getting it out Retrieval cues, Memory Forgetting Interference, Long-term Types of long-term information Long-term organization, The definition of Working memory is thought to consist of three interrelated systems. First A central executive, Information-processing model Discription Focuses on the way information is processed through different stages of Memory, Recall Retrieval failure Example: Tip of the tongue, Encoding Failure Definition Nonattended information is not encoded into memory