(A) Importance to the Union As the executive document states quite clearly on the third page, were the U.S. to fall behind in CPS, our entire infrastructure would be vaporized, and we would never be able to compete in the world market again. This would be catastrophic, and the government is trying to avoid becoming irrelevant. (B) Importance to the World CPS is just the next step in decreasing costs of services. Whether in medical, agricultural, or scientific sectors, CPS is making workplace computational devices cheaper to acquire and integrate into vertical markets. The lower the cost of the technology, the easier it is to introduce it into third world economies, allowing for an easier transition to modern wealth-creation. For the third of the world living on less than a dollar a day, CPS represents the technology that could lead them out of poverty. (C) Importance to my Career If this document's projections are correct, in the future most devices will be cyber-physical in nature; whether or not I pursue a career explicitly working on CPS, I will probably use CPS in my career or work towards building CPS. Personally, I'm not going to go out of my way to pursue CPS, but it might simply be inevitable.