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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Harris Carrie ch. 6 section 129, active system that processes the info in the STL ???? recorder, Short Term Memory ???? information is held for brief periods of time while it is being used, serial positon effect: remembering info at the beginning or end of a body of info better than the middle ???? Recency effect: remembering the end, Short Term Memory ???? Maintenance rehearsal, Encoded ???? automaitc encoding: some info goes into LTR with little effort, -active system that recieves information from the senses, puts that information into a usable form, organizes it as it stores it, and then retrieves the information from storage. Encoded, Short Term Memory ???? Chunking 7-5-4, Long Term Memory ???? Procedural (nondeclarative/ imlicit) LTM, Memory Models of Memory, Sensory Memory selective attention focus on one stimuli, constructive processing: altering of memories while retrieving ???? misinformation effect: misleading info gained after the fact that alter the memories of the event, Models of Memory information processing model, levels of processing model assumes information that is more "deeply processed" will be remembered more efficiently and longer, Sensory Memory lasts fraction of a sec. Iconic, Declarative LTM ???? episodic: personal info activities and events, Models of Memory levels of processing model, serial positon effect: remembering info at the beginning or end of a body of info better than the middle ???? primacy effect: remembering the beginning, Procedural (nondeclarative/ imlicit) LTM are How to's emotional associations habits, motor skills simple conditioned reflexes, -active system that recieves information from the senses, puts that information into a usable form, organizes it as it stores it, and then retrieves the information from storage. Storage, Models of Memory ???? semantic network model