for Writing Objectives
What are instructional objectives?
Why have objectives? (Available:
Types of objectives
Tips for writing objectives
In writing objectives, answer the
question: "What should the participants be able to do?"
a. Objectives must be clear and attainable.
b. Focus on knowledge/skill acquisition or reinforcement.
c. A recommended wording format is: "At the completion of this activity, participants should be able to..." This phrase is followed by a specific performance verb and the desired learning outcome.
**Words or phrases such as
know, think, appreciate, learn, comprehend, remember, perceive,
understand, be aware of, be familiar with, have knowledge of, grasp
the significance, are NOT measurable and should be avoided.
Writing Objectives for Lesson Plans
Using Bloom’s Taxonomy and Associated Action or Performance Verbs
Parts of a performance objective: (*This is what I expect for your objectives!*)
Objective: The students will
be able to tell and record time on a digital clock and analog clock
to the hour and half hour by writing the times in a story.
The following are NOT observable
or measurable objectives