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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Stress and Health, samantha bauldree 11, conflict approach- avoidance most stressful single goal has both pos. and neg. aspects, sequence of physiological reactions the body goes through when adapting to a stressor alarm SNS is first activated, Stress and Health stressor conflict, Cognitive and Personality Factors Lazarus's cognitive- mediational theory of emotions primary appraisal, poverty and job stress: lead to stressful living conditions ???? poverty results in lack of basic life necessities, Secondary appraisal ???? estimation of resources available to cope with stressor, culturally stress is affected by status of acculturation integration original identity remains forms positive relationships with member of dominate culture, pressure ???? urgent demands or expectations & uncontrollability, Stress and Health stressor stress causing events come from internal or external sources, sequence of physiological reactions the body goes through when adapting to a stressor exhaustion prolonged stress response with depleted resources, Stress and Health ???? Cognitive and Personality Factors, external (losses, rejections, failures, delays) internal factors can result in several responses ???? persistence, Type A ???? Workaholic,competive ambitious, hate to waste time, easily annoyed more likely to have health issues, Stress and Health stress the physical, emotion, cognitive, and behavioral response to challenging events, poverty and job stress: lead to stressful living conditions ???? Job stress workload, lack of control, security low job satisfaction, focuses on the effects of stress on the immune system ???? stress-related responses similar to those triggered by infection increase WBCs, enzymes, and antibodies, Stress and Health stress frustration, Type H ???? like Type A, less likely to heart disease thrive on stress, Physiological Factors Psychoneuroimmunology focuses on the effects of stress on the immune system, external (losses, rejections, failures, delays) internal factors can result in several responses ???? aggression