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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Ashton Stevens-Ch.1a, Gestalt Psychology Cognative, Max Werrtheimer Studied Gestalt Psychology, explanation mordern perspctives Biopsychological, psyhchology goals, behavoral perspective ???? John B. Watson, psychodynamic perspective Sigmund Freud, William James assoc w/ Functionalism, goals Control, experiments Groups, William Wundt process Objective intretion, Skinner behavioral Watson, correlation relationships, psyhchology Humanistic, descriptive data collection method Labratory Observation, psyhchology ???? Behavorism, Functionalism ???? Max Werrtheimer, psyhchology ???? Scientific Method, Humanistic pioneer Abraham Maslow, goals prediction, William Wundt student Edward Titchener