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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Ashton Stevens ch-11, Stress and Health different kinds of stress eustress, Stress and Health social factors in stress acculturative stress, Stress and Health personality factors in stress optimists, aggression process displaced aggression, stressors environmental stressors major life changes, Stress and Health personality factors in stress type A, GAS three stages alarm, type A thrive on stress hardy personality, optimists use downward social comparison, displaced aggression form of displacement, frustration reaction aggression, conflict types approach-approach, Stress and Health coping with stess emotion-focused, Cognitive factors developed cognative view of stress Richard Lazarus, psychological defense mechanisms type meditation, stressors environmental stressors catastrophes, Immune system suppressing effect cancer, Immune system studies psychoneuroimmunology, meditation type receptive, Stress and Health social factors in stress poverty