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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Ch11 CMAP Johnny Crane, Pressure due to urgent demands or expectations & uncontrollability, Stress & Health stress Frustration, focuses on the effects of stress on the immune system Attributes stress-related responses similar to those trigered by infection increase WBCs, enzymes, and antibodies, Societal Factors Poverty & Job Stress; lead to stressful living conditions Job stress workload, lack of control, security low job satisfaction, Primary appraisal definition estimate severity of the stressor and classifying it as a threat, challenge or a loss, Stress & Health Influencing Variables Societal Factors, culture stress is affected by status of acculturation marginalization does not maintain contact with original culture or join majority culture, culture stress is affected by status of acculturation seperation majority of culture is rejected and original cultural identity is maintained, Physiological Factors ANS Figures promintently int the bodies physiological reaction to stress, Cognitive & Personality Factors Lazarus' cognitive-medational theory of emotions Primary appraisal, Stress & Health Influencing Variables Cognitive & Personality Factors, Type C implies pleasant, and at peace hard to express emotion, associated with cancer, sequence of physiological reactions the body goes through when adapting to a stressor alarm SNS is first activitated, sequence of physiological reactions the body goes through when adapting to a stressor exhaustion prolonged stress response with depleted resources, Stress & Health stress Pressure, conflict approach- approach no great deal of stress, culture stress is affected by status of acculturation assimilation gives up old culture and completely adopts ways of the majority, Cognitive & Personality Factors personality differences Type A, Type H implies Similar to Type A, less likely to heart disease thrives on stress, Cognitive & Personality Factors personality differences Type C