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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Chapter 5 CMAP Emily Lalas, CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Elements: conditioned stimulus (neutral stimulus), unconditioned response is an involuntary (reflex) response to a naturally occuring or unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimulus is a naturally occurring stimulus that leads to an involuntary (reflex) response, conditioned stimulus (neutral stimulus) in Pavlov's experiment: the dish, CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Elements: conditioned response, 1) The CS mus come before the UCS. ???? 2) The CS and UCS must come very closte together in time - ideally, no more than 5 seconds apart, CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Elements: unconditioned response, CLASSICAL CONDITIONING an example is Pavlov's Canine Classic, unconditioned stimulus in Pavlov's experiment was the food, CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Elements: unconditioned stimulus, 1) The CS mus come before the UCS. in the experiment If Pavlov sounded the metronome just after he gave the dogs food, they did not become conditioned, 2) The CS and UCS must come very closte together in time - ideally, no more than 5 seconds apart ???? 3) The neutral stimulus must be paired with the UCS serveral times, often many times, before conditioning can take place, 2) The CS and UCS must come very closte together in time - ideally, no more than 5 seconds apart in the experiment When Pavlov tried to stretch the time between the potential CS and teh UCS to several min., no association or link between the two was made, conditioned response in Pavlov's experiment: salivation, unconditioned response in Pavlov's experiment was salivation to the food, conditioned stimulus (neutral stimulus) is stimulues that becomes able to produce a learned reflex response by being paired with the original unconditioned stimulus/ stimulus that has no effect on the desired response, conditioned response is learned reflex response to a conditioned stimulus, Pavlov's Canine Classic Classical Conditioning Basic Principals: 1) The CS mus come before the UCS., 4) The CS is usually some stimulus that is distinctive or stands out from other competing stimuli. in the experiment The metronome was a sound that was not normally present in the laboratory and, therefore, distinct., 3) The neutral stimulus must be paired with the UCS serveral times, often many times, before conditioning can take place ???? 4) The CS is usually some stimulus that is distinctive or stands out from other competing stimuli.