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Resources for Links to Some Participants' Readings SI2012 Resources for Science and Engineering SI2012 Staff Additional Readings.docx Annotated Required Reading with comments SI2012.docx biomimicry_for_ms_questionnaire.doc biomimicry_intro_for_4th_graders.ppt biomimicry_intro_for_middle_school_general.ppt Biomimicry_Through Poetry Petrucci.pdf bobsled.pdf Catapulting into Technological Design.pdf Clips and Clamps.pdf Design Challenges ELL-ementary.pdf EiE_threePageOverview_2_06_2011.pdf EIE MOS 20_unit_overview.pdf Elementary Design Challenges.pdf Engineering for All.pdf Engineering in the Classroom.pdf Engineering-Young Women.pdf Fire Up the Inquiry.pdf floatABoat_2003.pdf FromHereToThere.pdf Function_Junction-1.pdf Future Sci & Eng Conference.pdf Hurricane Proof This.pdf Increase v to lower D.pdf Inquirize Your Teaching.pdf Links to Some Participants' Readings SI2012.cmap listeningDevices_2003.pdf More than Just the Technology. pdf.pdf Reinventing the Bridge.pdf Sci & Eng Practices Middle.pdf Science and Engineering SI2012.cmap Science and Engineering SI2012 Staff.cmap Science on a Roll.pdf seedDispersal_2003.pdf Seeing_Function.pdf Simplifying_inquiry_instruction.pdf Solar_Cell_Inspired_by_Plants.pdf teachers'_lesson_plan-1.doc The_Evolution_Game.pdf Thinking about Students' Questions.pdf Transforming a Field Trip.pdf TwoRiversRanThroughIt.pdf Velcro_Race.pdf We_Are_Not_Alone.pdf What is Biomimicry.docx Which Paper Towel Is Best.pdf Windmills Going Round.pdf