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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Tetanus, inability to open mouth more than 1 inch diagnosed as Tetanus, 44 year old Caucasian male examination reveals spasms and tenderness in trapezius and scalene muscles, gram-positive bacteria that produces spores, 50kD light chain travels through Pore in motor neuron, inability to open mouth more than 1 inch due to jaw pain, spores enter body through Penetrating Injury, sedation and neuromuscular blocking agents (benzodiazepines) to reduce spasms and tenderness in trapezius and scalene muscles, 44 year old Caucasian male examination reveals inability to open mouth more than 1 inch, Risk Factors for Tetanus includes Possible coinfection w/ other bacteria, Tetanus treated with wound debridement, Glycine results in disruption of motor neuron activity: loss of central inhibition, uncontrolled muscle contraction, autonomic hyperactivity, tetanospasmin contains 100kD heavy chain, jaw pain diagnosed as Tetanus, exotoxins known as tetanospasmin, Inhibatory neurons of the CNS specifically Anterior horn and interstitial neurons in spinal cord, 100kD heavy chain creates Pore in motor neuron, Tetanus caused by Clostridium tetani bacteria, binding of neurotransmitter containing vesicles to cell membrane inhibits release of GABA, spores under anarobic conditions germinate to produce exotoxins, Theodore Knuth is a 44 year old Caucasian male