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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Todd Wilson, Primary hypothyroidism involves decreased transcription of Na+/K+ ATPase, review of systems significant for Psych: depressed, difficulty with memory and concentration, Vital signs of Temp: 97.8F, Todd Wilson presents with Physical exam, protein turnover when decreased leads to Skin: cool, dry with thick, yellow scaly patches back of neck, elbows, knees, nails thin and broken, review of systems significant for GI: mild anorexia, chronic constipation, converts to T3 is involved in uncoupling protein synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism including Gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, GAG deposition leading to HEENT: puffy facies, non-pitting periorbital edema, thyroid gland to increase, Physical exam significant for Skin: cool, dry with thick, yellow scaly patches back of neck, elbows, knees, nails thin and broken, due to decreased ATP-independent heat production leading to Endocrine: cold intolerance, Hypothalamus which releases TRH, Todd Wilson is a 55 y/o male, decreased neuronal speed leading to Neuro: slow releaxation after DTR, Primary hypothyroidism treated with Levothyroxine 50mcg qd, phagocytosis leading to Destruction of thyroid tissue, Thyroid workup including elevated TSH: 97.47, Todd Wilson presents with Vital signs, thyroid specific antigens are picked up by APCs