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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: JAYSON BLEDSOES CH.4 21, drugs concepts tolarance dependency- -physiological -psycological withdrawal, drugs second kind of drugs, depressaints barbituates-such as roofies tranqualizers, benzodiazepines alchohol narcotics-such as opium morphine heroin volitile solvents, drugs first kind of drugs, stimulants amphetamines-such as benzedrine dexdrine meth speed, cocaine nicotine caffeine strychinine also hallucnogens such as- pcp ecstacy lsd shrooms marijuana mesciline, within dreaming there are several steps in the dreaming (dreaming can happen in any stage) ???? stage one: theta waves start undiscript dreaming, within dreaming there are several steps in the dreaming (dreaming can happen in any stage) ???? why do we dream?, IN THIS ORDER DOWNWARD foucused conscisness daydreaming floating(hypnogogic) sleep light sleep and rem deep sleep unconcisness coma there are unnatural altered states drugs, an individuals subjective experince regarding thoughts, feelings, and perceptions at any given moment there are several levels of concisness IN THIS ORDER DOWNWARD foucused conscisness daydreaming floating(hypnogogic) sleep light sleep and rem deep sleep unconcisness coma, meditation, sleep and hypnosis ???? hypnonsis, an individuals subjective experince regarding thoughts, feelings, and perceptions at any given moment determinism causal theological biological psycholocal, meditation, sleep and hypnosis what is sleep? sleep is (in one theory) a restorative, circaidian rhythm, that is a natural altered state of concisness, meditation, sleep and hypnosis ???? meditation, why do we dream? theories freud says that is understanding of the unconcisness and wish fullfilment, why do we dream? theories cartwright says that dreams process the days problems and information, within dreaming there are several steps in the dreaming (dreaming can happen in any stage) ???? rem(rapid eye movement): more descript dreams very active like being awake, within dreaming there are several steps in the dreaming (dreaming can happen in any stage) ???? stage three and four: deep sleep as apposed to stage one and two, sleep is (in one theory) a restorative, circaidian rhythm, that is a natural altered state of concisness sleep produces dreaming within dreaming there are several steps in the dreaming (dreaming can happen in any stage), meditation is a intentional foucused mindset, used for control, why do we dream? theories hobson & mccarely say that it is the brains way of processing its activity during its sleeping, CH.4 what is conciseness? is defined as an individuals subjective experince regarding thoughts, feelings, and perceptions at any given moment, within dreaming there are several steps in the dreaming (dreaming can happen in any stage) ???? stage two: k-complexs start undiscript dreaming