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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Moses Pagi Ch7 Cognition 22, theories include Spearman's g factor, concepts represent diferent levels as basic level, casual factors like environmental, mental imagery processed in the brain as mental activities, developement delay consist of classifications, problem solving and decision making include involve logical methods, Cognition How People think concepts, problem solving and decision making Creativity combining new ideas, tests like Binet's Mental Ability Test, Cognition Measuring Intelligence tests, levels of language consist of grammer, Individual differences include developement delay, Cognition Intelligence Individual differences, Cognition Intelligence nature vs nurture, developement delay consist of criteria, involve logical methods such as heuristics, Cognition Intelligence ability to learn, concepts represent diferent levels as subordinate, Sterberg's triarchic theory comprises 3 aspects pratical, mental imagery processed in the brain as actual objects differently