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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: JAYSON BLEDSOES CH.1 CMAPS, old psychoanalysis made by sigmund freud, scintfic methodolgy contains scientific method, the scientific study of human mental and behavioral processes ???? has two ways of working, newer not based of old biopsychological, newer not based of old humanistic, the scientific study of human mental and behavioral processes 4 goals control, old and new ???? old, old and new ???? newer, newer ???? psychodynamic, newer ???? behavioal, old Jhon B. watson(associated) behaviorisim, behavioal based upon behaviorisim, has diffrent career areas psychatrist medical psyc, has two ways of working ???? scintfic methodolgy, gestalt psy was made by max wertheimer, newer not based of old evoulutionary, old ???? whilhelm wudnt basically founds psyc study, psychodynamic based upon made by sigmund freud, has diffrent career areas psychologist works with animals and humans for pdychological, has two ways of working ???? expermentation