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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: JAYSON BLEDSOES CH.5 C-MAP, several key elemnts: unconditioned stim unconditioned resp conditioned stim conditioned resp also has basic princaples for classical conditioning cs before usc cs and ucs must be close in time cs paired with ucs many times cs must be distinct from the stim, operant conditioning was founded by thorndike and skinner, Learning is defined in psychology as: a long standing change in behavior based on an experince. another way of learning is operant conditioning, (CH.5 C-MAP) learning in the psycholgical perspective what is learning? Learning is defined in psychology as: a long standing change in behavior based on an experince., thorndike and skinner is done by behavioral reinforcment through posative and negative renforcement, classical conditioning was founded by Ivan Pavlov, classical conditioning is definded as learning to make a automatic response from a stimulus that is not the stimulus that would regularly produce said reaction, thorndike and skinner is done by timing of the conditioning AKA punishment, ratio, and continouos or partial renforcment of beavior, cognotive learning theory focuses on the role of cognition in regard to learning, Learning is defined in psychology as: a long standing change in behavior based on an experince. one way of learning is classical conditioning, the role of cognition in regard to learning diffrent psychologists SELIGMAN: studied escape avoid learning with dogs, the role of cognition in regard to learning diffrent psychologists KOHLER: worked with chimpanzes to solve a problem, the role of cognition in regard to learning diffrent psychologists TOLMAN: worked with rats, Ivan Pavlov has several key elemnts: unconditioned stim unconditioned resp conditioned stim conditioned resp, Learning is defined in psychology as: a long standing change in behavior based on an experince. ???? observational learning: learning diffrent behaviors and what causes them from watching a subject, Learning is defined in psychology as: a long standing change in behavior based on an experince. there is also cognotive learning theory, basic princaples for classical conditioning cs before usc cs and ucs must be close in time cs paired with ucs many times cs must be distinct from the stim has the key features of things such as: stim generalization stim discrimination extinction spontaneous recovery of infromation high order conditioning