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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: Talmy.cmap, Co-event resulting in MOTION + CO-EVENT, Jon Aske introduces concepts such as telic path predicates, deletion which means deletion of an additional semantic component, Dan Slobin introduces concepts such as discourse frame, direct association of certain semantic components with a paticular morpheme morpheme's particular selection of semantic and syntactic properties morpheme's usage, Lexicalization Patterns are systematic relations in language between meanings and surface expressions, MOTION EVENTS Lexicalization Patterns and Motion Events in Spanish Research papers, Language typologies two types satellite-framed languages, Lexicalization Patterns studied by Jon Aske, Lexicalization Patterns studied by Dan Slobin, Dan Slobin introduces concepts such as typologycal frame, meanings associate with surface forms by three processes deletion, meanings associate with surface forms by three processes interpretation, MOTION EVENTS can combine with Co-event, MOTION + CO-EVENT can be unpacked, surface elements such as SATELLITES, meanings associate with surface forms Related components surface elements, meanings associate with surface forms by three processes lexicalization, MOTION EVENTS Relevant components- Inner frame FIGURE, interpretation which means interpretation based on context and general knowledge