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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Groundwater PDS, Sedimentary relate Flow Energy Sediment Type, Flow Energy Sediment Type from Wave/ Wnd Coastal Deposition, Geology Fundamentals formation of Volcanic Rocks, Hydrologic System more complex than "Hydrologic Cycle", Flow Energy Sediment Type from Glacial Outwash, Metamorphic change from Heat Pressure, Geology Fundamentals structure/ orientation affects Groundwater Boundaries don't necessarily follow Watershed Boundaries, Hydrology water moves Faults Fissures, Ancient ???? Sills Dikes Plutons Batholiths, Geology Fundamentals structure/ orientation affects Hydrology, Active ???? Magma Chambers Ash plumes molten lava lava flow, Groundwater Boundaries don't necessarily follow Watershed Boundaries affects Towns Efforts to Protect Groundwater, Flow Energy Sediment Type from Flood Depostion, Geology Fundamentals formation of Sedimentary, Flow Energy Sediment Type from Stream Deposition, Different Rates Water Budget of Water in, Magma Chambers Ash plumes molten lava lava flow ???? Fine Grains from Quick Cooling, Sills Dikes Plutons Batholiths ???? Large Grains from Slow Coolng Granite, "Hydrologic Cycle" because of Different Rates Water Budget, Heat Pressure eg Schist Gneiss Quartzite