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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Poetic Structure, genres such as Satirical, Poetry has characteristics, Rhyme Scheme is determined by assigning a letter for each new ending sound., sound patterns can be non-metrical (free verse), epic poetry is a long narrative poem that celebrates the deeds of a heroic figure, characteristics such as images, determined by assigning a letter for each new ending sound. for example AABB, ABAB, Categories are narrative, Poetry has Categories, short poems that explore brief but intense emotions, Categories are metrical, genres such as Dramatic, narrative tells a story, genres such as verse poetry, short poems may share a snippet of wisdom, verse poetry example Aesope's Fables, genres such as prose poetry, genres such as jingle, metrical ???? rhythm, Rhyme Scheme is based on the line ending sounds
Narrative Poetry
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Poetic Structure